example programΒΆ

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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
A program to display some fun facts.

# A function to help with the rest of the program:

def yorn(question):
    """Gets the user to answer a 'yes or no' question (YORN).

    The function is 'forgiving' and allows:
    * surrounding spaces
    * lower or uppercase answers

    Returns a boolean, so that the function can be used in an 'if' statement.

        >>> yorn('Would you like a buttered crumpet?')
        Would you like a buttered crumpet? (y/n)     Y

        question: A string prompt.
        The additional prompt ' (y/n) ' will be appended.


    answer = ''

    while answer not in ['y', 'n']:
        answer = input(question + ' (y/n) ')
        answer = answer.strip().lower()

    if answer == 'y':
        return True
        return False

# The program itself:

fun_facts = ['Elephants gestate for 21 months.',
             'There are more tin cans than people.',
             'The record number of marshmallows stuffed up one nostril is 604.']

if yorn('Would you like to hear some fun facts?'):

    for fact in fun_facts:

        if yorn('Would you like me to SHOUT so you can hear clearly?'):
            fact = fact.upper()

        print('Ok, here you go:')

        if not yorn('Would you like to hear another?'):

print('Ok. Bye.')