example programΒΆ

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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
A module providing a single function for getting the intials from a name.

def get_initials(name, n=1, uppercase=False):
    """Gets the initials from a name.

        >>> get_initials('Mildred Bonk')

        name: A string containing exactly two names.
        n: The number of characters from each name to include in the initials.
        uppercase: Whether to make the initials UPPERCASE.

        A string containing the initials.

        ValueError: name did not contain exactly two names.

    names = name.split()
    n_names = len(names)

    if n_names != 2:
        error_message = "'{}' contains {} names but should contain 2."
        raise ValueError(error_message.format(name, n_names))

    firstname = names[0]
    surname = names[1]
    initials = firstname[:n] + surname[:n]

    if uppercase:
        return initials.upper()
        return initials.lower()

# Test the function.
if __name__ == '__main__':

    # With default behavior.
    print(get_initials('Mildred Bonk'))

    # Using the keyword arguments.
    print(get_initials('Mildred Bonk', n=2, uppercase=True))